Quote: Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is key in knowing when things aren’t going well #mindfulness
Do what is right

Sometimes this isn’t the easiest choice, but you have to keep coming back to your values. What is the right thing to do? #mindfulleadership If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform. Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest
Steve Jobs Quote

View this post on Instagram Being a leader can be tough! You have to push people, disappoint them, get pulled in multiple directions and sometimes do things you don’t necessarily agree with! According to Steve Jobs, if you don’t like it…. go sell ice cream 😂 #mindfulleadership A post shared by Rob Hills (@robhills_) on […]
Instagram Post

View this post on Instagram What is your leadership for? Are you developing the people around to create a leadership legacy? #mindfulleadership A post shared by Rob Hills (@robhills_) on Aug 29, 2018 at 2:23am PDT
Quote: Want less stress…

Try Mindfulness Want less stress in your life? Too many different thoughts going around in your head? You should try being more mindful! Mindfulness has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and have a positive impact on our overall wellbeing. 1 Mindful Minute For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video […]
Quote: If you are tired learn to rest…..

If you are tired learn to rest, not quit! Be mindful of your thoughts because in a low mood they can betray you. Don’t give up, you got this! #mindfulness 1 MINDFUL MINUTE For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video series. In these short 1 minute videos I give you practical […]
Quote: What is your intention?

INTENTION This is something I ask myself every morning when I wake up. Setting an intention gives you an anchor when things get off track or go a little sideways – you just remind yourself of what you really wanted from the day! If you remind yourself throughout the day you can remain mindful despite […]
Quote: You can move mountains!

You can move mountains! Don’t list to the voice in your head telling you ‘no’ or ‘you can’t’! Believe in yourself. Follow your heart! Like this quote? why not try 1 mindful Minute? For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video series. In these short 1 minute videos I give you […]
Quote: You can’t stop the waves…

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn 1 MINDFUL MINUTE For more great tips and techniques click here to view my free 1 Mindful Minute video series. In these short 1 minute videos I give you practical strategies you can use to incorporate 1 Mindful Minute into your daily activities. You can do […]
Quote: Life is a journey….

“Life is a journey, not a destination” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson If you liked this post, I would love for you to share it on your favourite social media platform. Facebook Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest