
mindfulness video

In this video I talk about mindfulness, what it is and how it can benefit you during these difficult times #mindfulness https://youtu.be/gDe1HimN23U

Get Outside

Get outside

In this video I talk about one of my favourite tips for wellbeing – to get outside. Particularly at this time when everyone fills like they are locked in, getting outside (even if it’s just out the back) is so powerful for our mental and physical wellbeing. #wellbeing https://youtu.be/r78Unlwq2zg


Gratitude Video

In this video we will look at a simple way to show gratitude and help shift us from a negativity bias to a positive mindset #gratitude

‘Awesome’ Rocks

Mindful Practice - Awesome Rocks

In this video we will look at how being more mindful can sometimes be just paying attention to the little things – like ‘awesome’ rocks!